Stacks, the library's Guinea Pig, Update!

Those of you who don’t know, Stacks is the guinea pig that our staff found in the book stacks early in December of 2017. While we don’t know where he came from, we know that we are very happy to have him. Our staff spent the first few weeks giving him solitude in his new cage and allowed him to acclimate to his new surroundings. We have become affectionately attached to him.

Here is Stacks the day we found him.

Here is Stacks the day we found him.

Here he is at present.

Here he is at present.

It’s been four months since he was discovered, and we have all learned a lot about him. From our research we believe he was about six months or a little older when he came to us. He has grown significantly, and has doubled his size! Within the first few weeks we could see him growing, and not much longer after was he starting to “popcorn”. Popcorning is a sort of dance that guinea pigs do when they are happy and content, and it involves them dashing about their cage and literally jumping up and turning around. It is a hilarious thing to watch, and everyone gets excited when they see it; knowing that it means he is happy.

Here he is at present, enjoying his first bits of lettuce and parsley.

Here he is at present, enjoying his first bits of lettuce and parsley.


At first he was a very picky eater, only enjoying his Timothy Hay, and barely touching his dry guinea pig food. Soon he started eating both and our staff wanted to introduce fresh fruits and vegetables that would help him get his Vitamin C, which he needs a lot of. Their first attempts in January were unsuccessful, and just like a child he refused to eat the healthy greens. However, in March, a staff member discovered that he enjoyed blueberries. When we tell you he loves blueberries, we really mean it! When anyone comes to his cage to say hi, he smells their fingers and gets excited thinking they have a blueberry. Knowing that he enjoys these, the staff have also introduced Romaine lettuce, baby carrots, and parsley leaves. These are new additions to his diet, and we also plan on adding more over time.

Occasionally, we will change his cage set up, or give him enrichment items that allow him times to be curious. He enjoys the high walls of his cage, however, he loves to climb on top of his house and survey the department. He watches those who come and go. He also enjoys being petted, and almost melts flat when you pet him. He will lay down on his tummy, close his eyes, and purr.

Stacks has been a very content and happy critter the last four months, and we are all excited to continue making his little life very enjoyable.

MidPointe Library