The 1959 Middletown High School grad named Barry Hobart appears to be a nice guy in his senior photo.
But as the years passed he turned into a real creep.
And the world loved him for it.
To many Baby Boomers and others Barry Hobart was and forever will be the quirky, campy, late-night host of local horror show TV, “Dr. Creep.”
Indeed, Saturdays in the 1970s and early 1980s weren’t complete without a dose of Creep on “Shock Theater,” produced by Dayton TV station WKEF. His ghostly white face, crumpled top hat, blood-red lips above a full beard -- not to mention the corny ad-libs -- were the pièce de ré·sis·tance of the entire weekend.
But when the doctor felt like getting out in the sunshine he could often be found at a local charity event, raising money for a worthy cause, particularly those benefiting children.