#triviatuesday - What toy ignited the Wright brothers’ curiosity about aeronautics?


Today’s TriviaTuesday question recalls those pioneers of aviation, Wilbur and Orville Wright of Dayton, Ohio. Since today, April 16, marks the 152nd anniversary of Wilbur’s birth, we ask the following :

What toy ignited the brothers’ curiosity about aeronautics?

A gift from their father -- a small toy helicopter “powered by twisting a rubber band” -- was all it took for the curious and analytical young siblings to eventually build their own version...and future craft that would change the course of history.

The brothers observed that when they let the helicopter go, its “rubber band unwound, causing the propeller to spin quickly and the helicopter to fly in the air. As the propeller slowed down, the helicopter wobbled, then fell to the ground.”

In time the boys “experimented with their own versions of the toy helicopter,” and discovered that “the bigger the helicopter was, the quicker it fell to the ground...”

Think about it.

A father’s thoughtfulness, a rubber band and a child’s toy led to man’s conquering the skies...and a visit to the Moon.



The bulk of information for this blog was derived from “First Flight -- The Story of the Wright Brothers” written by Caryn Jenner, published in 2003 by DK Publishing. Available for check-out in MidPointe’s juvenile biography section.

The date of Wilbur Wright’s birth was noted in the 2018 “Chase’s Calendar of Events.” The 2019 edition is available for checkout at MidPointe Library.

The accompanying photo of the Wright Brothers (Orville at left) and their sister Katherine can be found on MidPointe’s Digital Archives :http://www.midpointedigitalarchives.org/digital/collection/Crout/id/896/rec/6

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Soon MidPointe Library will again present its long-running and popular “Summer Reading Program.” This year’s theme is “A Universe of Stories”!

A local tradition, the reading program  blasts off June 1 and touches down for what is sure to be a happy landing on July 31.

During the “spatial” adventure, individuals  of all ages can attend free, fun and appropriately-themed programs featuring out-of-this world guests!

They’ll also be encouraged to take part in our read-for-prizes activity in which patrons can check out and enjoy books, books, and more books about Outer Space (or any subject they desire), keep track of their reading (or being read to) and win prizes for their efforts! Audiobooks and eBooks, count, too!

See you at Summer Reading!

Until then, “Live long and prosper.” *

* Dr. Spock, aka the late Leonard Nimoy, on the former TV series “Star Trek.”

MidPointe Library