Library Resources for Helping Talk About Tragedy

Eighteen years ago today, September 11, the United States endured attacks upon different sites on its mainland. 

Note the word : endured. 

Though shocked and wounded by the death and destruction now known as “9/11,”  Americans have picked up the pieces of their broken hearts and struggled to regain a sense of normalcy in their lives. 

When managing the horrific events of 9/11 or personal tragedy...For children who can’t grasp the enormity of a “9/11” or the death of a loved one...For those who struggle daily just to understand “Why?,” help abounds.  

It takes the form of friends who listen, counselors who care, faith communities that comfort and appropriate literature that informs and helps heal.  

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That’s where public libraries like MidPointe enter the picture, offering free materials about death, loss, loneliness, fear, and other tragedies.  

Books like “Finding Peace In Times of Tragedy...” for adults or “Is Daddy Coming Back In a Minute? -- Explaining (Sudden) Death in Words Very Young Children Can Understand” are available to cardholders.  

For more information about MidPointe Library’s extensive catalog of helping literature – both on-shelf and online -- go to : > Catalog Search 


Visit our substantial eLibrary at : > eLibrary  

There you’ll find books, audiobooks, magazines and more. 

A MidPointe Library card is all that’s required to check out on-shelf or e-items. Cards are free and can be obtained at any MidPointe location: 

Middletown, West Chester, Trenton, Monroe, Liberty Township (2nd floor, Liberty Center) and onboard our “Library On Wheels”  Bookmobile. 

MidPointe Library