#TBT - Armco Bulletins

In April of 1914, the Operating Department of the American Rolling Mill Company published the first Armco Bulletin - a little booklet to be issued each month to help “facilitate an interchange of though and suggestion and to create a better understanding of the activities and problems of the Operating Department employees, and … any information which you think will be of general interest.”

The Armco Bulletin would then be published monthly or bi-monthly until May of 1930. Throughout its run, the Bulletin was a great source for all Armco employees to stay in the loop and, now, it serves as a great way to look back on all that was happening at Armco. From marriages and births, to baseball, football and basketball, to safety measures, the Armco Bulletins have it

For more Armco Bulletins and other Armco Publications check out: http://www.midpointedigitalarchives.org/digital/collection/p16488coll21