Storywalk—Stories by Hopewell 2nd Grade Virtual Students


Immerse yourself in the story with StoryWalk related activities!

Complete at least 3 activities and stop by the Liberty branch—show your passport to a staff member and win a small prize!

  • Share your thoughts on social media and tag MidPointe Library System or Hopewell Early Childhood School (@hopewellECS)

  • Did you have any connections to any of the stories? For example, “The Dog Legend” talks about dragons – do you believe in dragons? “Vacation to Florida” takes place in Florida – have you ever been there on vacation?

  • Each of these stories are set in a different setting. Which setting was most exciting to you? Which setting was most realistic? Can you imagine yourself in any of those settings?

  • The prompt for the individual stories was to write about something that happened in your life – also known as a personal narrative. Is there a moment in your life that you would write about? Share your personal narrative with us!

Activities for The Dog Legend

  • Which character was your favorite in “The Dog Legend”? Why was it your favorite?

  • There is a fire breathing dragon on each page of the story “The Dog Legend” - can you find it?

  • Draw a picture of your favorite animal and leave it for us in the mailbox at the end of the StoryWalk! 

  • “The Dog Legend” was written by 24 students working as a team. Think about a time when you worked with a team – was it difficult? What is something that would be easier to do if you were working as a group?

  • Check out a book from the Library about dragons. After doing your research, do you believe dragons are real? Answer the poll below:

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StoryWalk located at FORT LIBERTY PLAYLAND
6845 Van Gorden RdLiberty Township, OH 45011

Brought to you by your friends at the MidPointe Library System. This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. Storywalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson.